up to 600A OUTPUT
GTAW, GMAW, PAW & Hot Wire TIG Welding Processes
Runs on the revolutionary Osprey Weld Controller
Built-in Real-Time Data Logging
FireConnect - Factory 4.0 Integration (MQTT)
Multi-process welding machine controls make the Gold Track VII a superior choice for anyone in need of an automatic welding machine that comes with optional enhancements like hot wire TIG welding, plasma arc welding (PAW), and GMAW-P functionality, smart motor control, 230 VAC general purpose output power, and more. For those in need of a welding machine, this automatic pipe welder can also be optimized with offline schedule editing and coordinated motion software, as well as other automatic features that save you time, stress, and effort on the job.
Contact us for more information on the Gold Track VII multi-process machine or other Liburdi automatic welding systems.